Saturday, January 30, 2010

Apakah kesengsaraan akan berakhir?

Apakah kesengsaraan akan berakhir di sini?

Titisan mutiara mengalir lesu
tatkala terpancar wajah suram mu
hati berdetik...
Apakah penderitaan mu akan berakhir?
Ku dongak ke langit malam
tiada bintang yang ku temui
tiada bulan menghiasi malam
menceriakan suara hati...
ingin ku kait penderitaan mu
ingin ku anyam pengorbananmu
menjadi hamparan harapan masa depanmu..
namun ku tak bisa melakukan itu semua
pengecutkah aku?
sedangkan kau yg belum mengerti
laluan onak berduri
sudah bisa mengharungi
sudah gagah berdiri
membela bangsamu...
dengan tangan mulusmu...
air mataku mengalir lagi
kerana langkahmu terhenti di sini
oleh tangan rakus bersikap prajudis...
rapat matamu
masih terukir senyummu
mugkin kau lebih rela pergi
dari terus diinjak
manusia durjana..
jika itu pilihan terbaik buatmu
untuk mengakhiri kesengsaraanmu
aku pasrah
namun terlontar jua rasa terkilanku
apakah kesengsaraanmu
berakhir begini.....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Poem of Life

My Best Friend

The Distance less traveled is a road of shattered dreams
The pain and sorrows left behind are backward flowing streams
You go through life imagining all the things you want
But before you understand them all they'll do is haunt
I been alive for many years I watched them come and go
And here I sit again my friend not having any to hold
So take my word I mean you well embrace your life right now
For right before your weary eyes, you'll wonder when and how.
I made mistakes throughout my life; I've tried to make them right
But each and every time I try I end up here at night
I can't explain the way things work I just know that they are
Don't look too much ahead of you; you may just look too far
Love is another option; you'll have throughout your life
But always keep in mind my friend; it can hurt much like a knife
It can wake you every morning, or put you in your grave
Everyone must take that fall, just stand there and be brave
At some point in your life, you'll find a special friend
One that disregards your flaws and loves you till the end
Don't confuse the love you feel it's different than before
Hold on tight to what it is, letting go will make you poor
A best friend in my eyes is much more than friend
Its understanding, loyalty, dedication to the end
Its long car rides, swings and slides, its ice cream late at night
It's sharing thoughts, and frozen drinks, it's that petty little fight
My friend I share these feelings to let you know I care
I'd never turn my back on you, not even on a dare
So understand this one last thing before I say goodbye
I made this poem just for you, my best friend till I die'